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In a series of posts, Oleg and I will continue his earlier work on the generic zipper. We will use delimited continuations to convert any monadic traversal into a zipper that can traverse a complex data structure—up and down, left and right—and update it purely functionally. We will use the programming language Haskell: every post will be a literate program that you can run as is. For example, you can download this post as a program.
{-# OPTIONS -W -fglasgow-exts #-} module WalkZip1 where import Control.Monad (liftM) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans(lift)) import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT(runWriterT), tell) import Data.Generics (Typeable, Data, gmapM, mkM) import Data.Monoid (Any(Any)) import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
Our running example will be a familiar data type, that of untyped λ-terms.
data Term = V String | L String Term | A Term Term deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
This data type has a familiar inhabitant, the infinite loop (λx.xx)(λx.xx).
term :: Term term = A t t where t = L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
A monadic traversal, or a walk for short, is a way to
enumerate parts of a value. To a first approximation, if
and whole
are two types, then a
function of the type
type Walk part whole = forall m. (Monad m) => (part -> m part) -> whole -> m whole
is a way to enumerate parts (of type part
) of a
value (of type whole
). Such a function takes two
arguments: a visitor (a callback function of type
part -> m part
, where m
is any monad)
and the value whose parts to enumerate (of type
). The function produces a monadic action
comprised of visiting each part of the given value. Each visit to a
part yields a new, updated part; the resulting monadic action
yields a new, updated whole. For example, the Prelude
mapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
is a walk because it has the type Walk a [a]
. It
enumerates the elements of a list as its parts. We depict such a
walk as follows, moving across a list from left to right.
For that matter, the identity function
id :: a -> a
is also a walk because it has the type Walk a a
. It
enumerates a value itself as its only part. We depict such a
trivial walk as follows.
The actual type of walks is a bit more complex than this
approximation, for three reasons. First, a walk may proceed in
multiple directions from the same part, and we want to let the
visitor decide where to go next. So the visitor should yield not
just a new part but also an outgoing direction, of type
type Walk to part whole = forall m. (Monad m) => (part -> m (part, to)) -> whole -> m whole
To express the simplest case where only one outgoing direction
is available, we define a singleton type After
. We
also define a type class To
for a default outgoing
direction after
data After = After deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) class (Eq to) => To to where after :: to instance To After where after = After
Second, a walk may arrive from multiple directions at the same
part, and we want to let the visitor know whence. So the visitor
should be passed not just an old part but also an incoming
direction, of type from
type Walk from to part whole = forall m. (Monad m) => (from -> part -> m (part, to)) -> whole -> m whole
We treat outgoing and incoming directions separately. To express
the simplest case where only one incoming direction is available,
we define a singleton type Before
. We also define a
type class From
for a default incoming direction
data Before = Before deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) class (Eq from) => From from where before :: from instance From Before where before = Before
The final complication is that, to preserve sharing and save
memory, we want to avoid copying values, so we want to distinguish
between changed and unchanged values. Thus, the visitor should
yield not a part
but a Maybe part
, and
the traversal should yield not a whole
but a
Maybe whole
. The result Nothing
no change.
type Walk from to part whole = forall m. (Monad m) => (from -> part -> m (Maybe part, to)) -> whole -> m (Maybe whole)
The definition above is final. Instead of id
, the
trivial, one-stop walk from an incoming direction from
is now defined by
stop :: from -> Walk from After a a stop from visit = liftM fst . visit from
To test the definitions so far and engender a sense of
achievement, let us write a visitor that simply prints out the
visited part and continues. To describe what it means to continue,
we define a type class Next
class (From from, To to, Show from, Read to) => Next from to where next :: from -> to instance Next Before After where next Before = After
To exalt the beauty of each visited part, our
operates in the IO
tourist :: (Next from to, Show part) => from -> part -> IO (Maybe part, to) tourist from part = do putStrLn (show from ++ ": " ++ show part) return (Nothing, next from)
Look! After paying an exorbitant admission fee, you can see an entire term all at once from the observation deck.
*WalkZip1> stop Before tourist term Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) Nothing
We can also define a more hands-on visitor.
tourist' :: (Next from to) => from -> Term -> IO (Maybe Term, to) tourist' from part = do putStrLn (show from ++ ": " ++ show part) return (Just (V "poof"), next from)
This visitor just can’t help but wonder what that button over there is for.
*WalkZip1> stop Before tourist' term Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) Just (V "poof")
To finish off this post, let us define a less trivial walk:
given a data value of type b
, we can visit each of its
components of type a
. The code below performs the
actual traversal using gmapM
and mkM
the Scrap Your
Boilerplate library. The rest of the code looks messy, but it’s
just using the writer monad transformer (runWriterT
, tell
) over the logical-or monoid
) to remember whether any part changed
). What’s more interesting is that
defined below is a walk transformer: it maps one
walk (such as stop Before
) to another.
gwalk :: (Typeable a, Data b) => Walk from to part a -> Walk from to part b gwalk walk visit a = do (a', Any dirty) <- runWriterT (gmapM (mkM f) a) return (scavenge dirty a') where f part = do part' <- lift (walk visit part) tell (Any (isJust part')) return (fromMaybe part part')
The helper function scavenge
throws away a new
whole if no part changed.
scavenge :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a scavenge True a = Just a scavenge False _ = Nothing
We can now traverse the immediate subterms of a term and change them.
*WalkZip1> gwalk (stop Before) tourist' term Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")) Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")) Just (A (V "poof") (V "poof"))
As depicted in the pictures above, so far we can only move right. The next post will show how to move down and up. We will then turn (from) walks to zippers.