Proper Treatment 正當作法/ The Twelve Days of Invasion
2010-12-20 07:10

Lyrics © 2002, Charlie King, Pied Asp Music (BMI)

On the first day of invasion my leader said to me
      They're the most dangerous nation in the world
On the second day's invasion my leader said to me
      They have weapons of mass destruction;
      They're the most dangerous nation in the world
On the third day of invasion my leader said to me
      They won't allow inspections;
      They have weapons of destruction;
      They're the most dangerous nation in the world
On the fourth day of invasion my leader said to me
      They didn't sign the biological weapons treaty;
      won't allow inspections; weapons of destruction;
      They're the most dangerous nation in the world
On the fifth day of invasion my leader said to me
      didn't sign the treaty;
      won't allow inspections;
      weapons of destruction;
      They're the most dangerous nation in the world
On the sixth - All they want is oil
Seventh - They just can't be trusted
Eighth - They execute their people
Ninth - They helped to train Al Qaeda
Tenth - They invaded other countries
Eleventh - They were not fairly elected

On the twelfth day of invasion my leader said to me
 (Spoken)They Plan To Use the Bomb
 (Sing)       not fairly elected
              invaded other countries
              helped to train Al Qaeda
              execute their people
              they just can't be trusted
              all they want is oil
              didn't sign the treaty;
              won't allow inspections;
              weapons of destruction;
And they're the most dangerous nation in the world.