Proper Treatment 正當作法/ blog/ posts/ From walking to zipping, Part 2: Down and up
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2008-08-17 19:19

The first post in this series showed what walks are and how to walk right through a value. This second post will add walking down into and up out of a value. Again, you can download this post as a program.

{-# OPTIONS -W -fglasgow-exts #-}
module WalkZip2 where
import WalkZip1
import Data.Generics (Data)
import Data.Char (isSpace)

There are two ways to visualize a traversal.

A Tokyo train displays a station mapA Tokyo train displays a system map

The local way is to show the incoming and outgoing directions for a single step. So far we have just one incoming direction, Before, and just one outgoing direction, After.


The global way to visualize a traversal is to show how its steps connect parts of a whole. So far all we can do is to forge right.


To traverse a value with hierarchical structure, we want to descend from a parent part to visit its children, and to ascend from a child part to admire its parent. Therefore, locally speaking, we add one incoming direction and one outgoing direction.


This way we connect a parent with its children as shown in the following global picture. In the top row are the parent and its siblings. In the bottom row are the children. The ellipses indicate the children’s cousins and own children.


The first time we visit a parent, we come in from its left. We can choose to skip the children by moving right or to visit the children by moving down. If we choose the latter, then after visiting all the children, we return to the parent from below, and can choose to move right or descend again. This loop is shaded in the global picture above.

As the local picture above shows, we rename the old directions as we add the new directions. Each incoming direction from—there is only one so far, namely Before—becomes two incoming directions, Exit False from and Exit True from. The latter direction means that we just emerged from visiting the last child in a horizontal sequence.

data Exit from = Exit Bool from
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

Each outgoing direction to—there is only one so far, namely After—becomes an outgoing direction To to alongside the new outgoing direction Enter, which means to descend to the first child of the current part.

data Enter to = Enter | To to
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

Every time a visitor arrives at a part, the walk orients the visitor by passing an incoming direction. Every time a visitor departs from a part, the visitor directs the walk by returning an outgoing direction. In particular, if the visitor says to go down (Enter) but there is no child to visit, the walk stays at the same location and tells the visitor that there is no child to visit by passing the incoming direction Exit True Before. Indeed, as the last picture indicates, the way to go up is to keep going right until you arrive at a part from below.

That’s the plan. Let’s code it up. First we lift the incoming direction before from any type from to the type Exit from.

instance (From from) => From (Exit from) where
  before = Exit False before

We also lift the outgoing direction after from any type to to the type Enter to.

instance (To to) => To (Enter to) where
  after = To after

To conduct recursive tourism, we define next to descend once into everything. That is, descend when we arrive at a part from the left, but continue to the right when we arrive at a part from below.

instance (Next Before to)
  => Next (Exit Before) (Enter to) where
  next (Exit False Before) = Enter
  next (Exit True  Before) = To after

We now build a walk combinator around, of the following type.

around :: Walk from to part whole
       -> Walk (Exit from) (Enter to) part part
       -> Walk (Exit from) (Enter to) part whole

This combinator takes two walks walkOuter and walkInner as argument and produces a new walk. In the last picture, the top row corresponds to walkOuter and the bottom row corresponds to walkInner. Whereas walkOuter steps through parts of a whole, walkInner steps through (sub)parts of a part. The new walk is like walkOuter, except at any step the visitor can Enter an inner walk to inspect the current part.

The code for around is straightforward. The boring part is how it uses the helper functions scavenge (from last time) and pollute (below) to do the dirty work of preserving sharing. The interesting part is how it builds a visitor visit' for the outer walk by wrapping around an inner walk that uses the original visitor visit.

around walkOuter walkInner visit
  = walkOuter (visit' False False)
  where visit' dirty around from part = do
          (part1_, to) <- visit (Exit around from) part
          let (dirty1, part1) = pollute dirty part part1_
          case to of
            Enter -> do
              part2_ <- walkInner visit part1
              let (dirty2, part2) = pollute dirty1 part1 part2_
              visit' dirty2 True from part2
            To to -> return (scavenge dirty1 part1, to)

pollute :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a -> (Bool, a)
pollute dirty a Nothing = (dirty, a)
pollute _ _ (Just a) = (True, a)

To try this out, let me first define a New York walk. A New York walk makes no stops, not even one.

newYork :: Walk from to part whole
newYork _ _ = return Nothing

The New York walk is so brisk, no tourist gets to see anything or touch any button.

*WalkZip2> (newYork :: Walk Before After Term Term) tourist term
*WalkZip2> (newYork :: Walk Before After Term Term) tourist' term

If we use the New York walk as the inner walk in around, then no part has any subpart, so a visitor who tries to enter a part is whisked right out.

*WalkZip2> (stop Before `around` newYork) tourist term
Exit False Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))
Exit True Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))

But if we put this walk in an inner walk, then a part can have subparts, though a subpart cannot have subsubparts, so a visitor who tries to enter a subpart is whisked out.

*WalkZip2> (stop Before `around` gwalk (stop Before `around` newYork)) tourist term
Exit False Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))
Exit False Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit True Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit False Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit True Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit True Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))

To go one level further into the term, we can put this last walk in an inner walk, so that only a subsubpart cannot have subsubsubparts.

*WalkZip2> (stop Before `around` gwalk (stop Before `around` gwalk (stop Before `around` newYork))) tourist term
Exit False Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))
Exit False Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit False Before: A (V "x") (V "x")
Exit True Before: A (V "x") (V "x")
Exit True Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit False Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit False Before: A (V "x") (V "x")
Exit True Before: A (V "x") (V "x")
Exit True Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit True Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))

To walk through all nodes of a tree, we take the fixpoint of this process.

throughout :: (Data a) => Walk from to a a
           -> Walk (Exit from) (Enter to) a a
throughout level = level `around` gwalk (throughout level)


*WalkZip2> throughout (stop Before) tourist term
Exit False Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))
Exit False Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit False Before: A (V "x") (V "x")
Exit False Before: V "x"
Exit True Before: V "x"
Exit False Before: V "x"
Exit True Before: V "x"
Exit True Before: A (V "x") (V "x")
Exit True Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit False Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit False Before: A (V "x") (V "x")
Exit False Before: V "x"
Exit True Before: V "x"
Exit False Before: V "x"
Exit True Before: V "x"
Exit True Before: A (V "x") (V "x")
Exit True Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit True Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))

You might be tired of all this recursive tourism where the visitor just follows a predetermined route and makes no choice. I certainly much prefer interactive decision-making over horseback flower-watching! To finish up this post, let’s control a walk from the keyboard. The following visitor is convenient for that: it prompts us at each step for what to return. A blank line means to take the next step without making any changes.

keyboard :: (Next from to, Show a, Read a)
  => from -> a -> IO (Maybe a, to)
keyboard from x = do
  putStr (show from ++ ": " ++ show x ++ "\n? ")
  line <- getLine
  return (if all isSpace line
          then (Nothing, next from)
          else read line)

Let’s stroll through the term (λx.xx)(λx.xx) and change its second part to (λx.x), then double back to review the new term (λx.xx)(λx.x).

*WalkZip2> throughout (stop Before) keyboard term
Exit False Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))
Exit False Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
? (Nothing, To After)
Exit False Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit False Before: A (V "x") (V "x")
? (Just (V "x"), Enter)
Exit True Before: V "x"
Exit True Before: L "x" (V "x")
Exit True Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (V "x"))
? (Nothing, Enter)
Exit False Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit False Before: A (V "x") (V "x")
? (Nothing, To After)
Exit True Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
? (Nothing, To After)
Exit False Before: L "x" (V "x")
? (Nothing, To After)
Exit True Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (V "x"))
? (Nothing, To After)
Just (A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (V "x")))

In the next post, we will take a walk outside the IO monad, to make a zipper.

A scene from the movie Chungking Express: a woman on an escalator, beside her own reflection